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Baptism is an outward expression of an inward confession.

At East Bay, we love to celebrate lives being changed. If you've trusted Jesus as your Savior and given your life to Him, baptism is the next step in your journey with the Him—a public declaration of a new life rooted in His grace.

Baptism is not necessary for salvation. Instead, the Bible tells us that every believer is to be baptized as a declaration of their faith in Jesus and commitment to following Him–an overflow of joy and gratefulness for what He's done!

Baptisms are a regular part of our gatherings as a church family, and they're a time when the church can celebrate with you in your faith in Jesus. If you would like to be baptized here at East Bay, click the link below to contact our office and find out when our next baptism class is happening. We would love to walk with you as you take this next step in your faith!

Baptisms take place quarterly, depending on interest expressed. All baptisms are held in the Sunday morning worship service in a baptismal, with the exception of Baptisms in the Bay, which is held yearly in July or August and takes place at Bayside Park in Acme. Baptism is not required for membership at East Bay Calvary Church.

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